12 December 2007

6 December 2007 - Steph the Head Shaker and Vestibular Evaluation

I have to admit I was leery about "alignment" of "crystals", but I'm in no condition to deny myself any potential avenue of treatment, no matter how New-Agey it sounds. Turns out that within five minutes of evaluation with Steph, she had me diagnosed with something very sciencey-sounding.

When I bonked my head, something happenned with the relationship between my brain and my eyes. My eyes are acting like an eight-year-old in the candy section of the grocery store screaming "I WANT THAT!" at every visual stimulus within my panoramic view, and my brain is his Prozaced-up exhausted working mother saying "OK, Dear..." and shrugsmirking to her agitated fellow shoppers.

The eyes are taking in so much stimulus that the brain (which ain't exactly at top performance anyway) is even more overwhelmed, leading to dizziness, headaches, confusion and further exhaustion. Makes sense to me, but I'd never have thought of that. I guess that's why they have physical therapists.

I have a slew of follow-up appointments for the rest of 2007 (of which the first is tonight) and eyeball-discipline-training exercises to do every day. Over the weekend, I felt real change with the exercises, but the workweek has been so over-the-top nuts that I can't honestly claim noticing any long-term cumulative effects. We'll see tonight at 6.

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