17 November 2007


On Tuesday, my condition got so bad (dizziness to the point of nausea) that I left work to talk to my GP. She FINALLY gave me a quasi-official-yet-still-unmalpracticeable diagnosis: Post Concussive Syndrome. As no-duh as such a diagnosis as that may be, it gave Sally and I something to work with.

Phyllis (the GP) said all my symptoms run right down the checklist of those of PCS. Our quickie-independent-study confirmed that. Sally then looked up treatments (for which Phyllis said there were none known - but she's a GP not specializing in neurologocial disorders, so no slight to her). The University of Buffalo conducted a study on sports-related PCS sufferers where a regimen of light and directed exercise and... get this... NO DRUGS... not only improved the symptoms (of which I have noted exhaustively below), but also improved brain performance - thus working on the source! How novel!

It gets better. One of the doctors involved in the UB study recently set up camp at Akron General and his understudy is conducting further tests in the same vein at the spiffy new AG Health & Wellness Center in Montrose - halfway between home and work, right on 18. When Sally asked if he had room for another subject on Friday, his receptionist said they could work me in that day if necessary. Heh heh... working out for the first time in three months under a doctor's supervision as THERAPY for this PCS crap ENTIRELY covered by my insurance? I'll take two with cheese, please!

My final visit with Dr. Wolverine's team in Monday afternoon. I will let Maria (the Nurse Practictioner assigned to my case) know about everything on my way out the door, ask for a referral (even though it's unneccesary - but with Health Insurance, I'll gladly walk the white line as long as it ends where I wanted to be in the first place) and keep her updated if she so desires.

Looks good, eh? Yeah, well enough of that crap. It's 11am on OSU-TSUN day. GO BUCKS! Kick Lloyd's 'Rrhoids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Something concrete.

Hope their study was actually right and this kicks your problem's ass.