07 November 2007


When I say the head pain is "gone", I mean the head pain is down to the dull-thud level it has maintained non-stop during my best times since August. I've gotten to the point where I can ignore that largely.

My main concerns are two-fold: the confusion and the inability to do anything physical.

Confusion: Any time I'm in a particularly busy setting (multiple conversations, many different sounds, flashing colors in many directions, etc.) I become paralyzed. I am entire unable to keep up with any one element since so many are coming at me at once. Regular garden-variety confusion still hits me when I'm mentally exhausted, but the type above is the type that bothers me the most - it strikes 100% of the time.

Physical Activity: The idea of making Sally shovel the driveway once we get heavy snowfall is devouring what's left of my self-respect. She does everything else - I will not make her suit up like Ralphie's little brother after a full day of work and hork a shovel up and down our 50-foot driveway. Usually, we can pay or talk somebody into digging us out, but last Valentine's Day we got 14 inches of snow - enough that neither of us could pull into the driveway without shovelling. I usually get home first. If such a thing happens again without my head getting better, expect to find my car in the street and me passed out in the driveway next to a freshly-dropped shovel.

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