07 October 2007

Six Days On - The New Dosage

Interesting so far. Doubling the dosage seems to magnify the effects, both positive and negative. I can do more throughout the day, acting more normal - walk at a nearly normal clip, go for a few hours without confusion, even take on a tough problem or two - but when I'm done, I crash.

Once I'm out of mental energy, I'm useless. I can't even control my personality very well, often reverting to whipped-puppy mode. It's terribly annoying, for me and doubly so for Sally, but I'm getting no help from Team Wolverine. My next appointment with them is October 15 - all I can hope is they at least pretend to give a shit and run some kind of science-based tests or something. I'm not a fan of paying professional rates for guesses.

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