02 September 2007

What Is Wrong With You?

I'm confused and/or dizzy on and off. Any physical exertion above walking at grampa's pace reignites the stabbing headache (which makes me think there's some neuro-vascular connection). Occasionally (like right now) I see the haloes or spots that precede a migraine. I can't read a physical newspaper anymore because the multi-article layout prevents me from focusing on any one piece (on-line single-article news reading is still pretty much OK, so long as it doesn't make me think.) Thinking causes pain (could be blood-to-brain related like above), but well-learned / reflex and natural mental activities are still largely unaffected. My Wednesday night trivia skillz are still quite mad indeed - that's simple recall.

Other things that I had before the incident but have gotten worse since:
(a) I drop things. My hands sometimes don't do what I tell them to.
(b) Spaghetti legs. Sometimes my knees don't hold when I take a step forward.
(c) Slurring of speech.
(d) Confusion to the point of abject frustration, especially in getting words from my brain to my mouth.
(e) My desire for hot caffeinated beverages borders on the insatiable. It's almost to the point where I'll drink office coffee... almost.
(f) Drooling. Seriously. My involuntary saliva production has increased astronomically. I'm not proud, I'm just sayin'.

More as I recall them. Watch this space.

1 comment:

Bald Man Tom said...

You know, as odd as it sounds, I wonder if you're having a migraine? IANAD, but much of what you're describing happens to me when I've gotten one of those bastards...