02 September 2007

Purpose of the Blog

Primarily, I'm putting this baby together so I only have to write the details once so all my friends and family are up to speed. My concentration and patience levels aren't too far above the carpet level right now, but I want all the people I care about to have an idea as to why I'm flakier than usual.

This little puppy has me probably more scared for myself than I have ever been in my life. I'm logging my thoughts, feelings, theories (and soliciting yours as well) while I'm still capable of using the English language in its written form to maximize the potential good and/or minimize potential trauma.

I truly don't know the extent of the damage done, but six days on I'm still nowhere near 50% of my "old" self. The last couple days have beed somewhat less bad, but the last couple days have been a weekend during which Sally has protected me from having to do much in the way of thinking, deciding, choosing or really doing anything. That vacation ends Tuesday - I'm fully aware that the worst of it could come right back then.

WARNINGS: This blog will not be nearly as fun / entertaining / snarky as my other stuff. Any amusement or enjoyment factor will be derived from natural sources - I'm going to be pretty straightforward here. Thus any criticism of quality of content or tactical writing flaws (spelling, punctuation, etc.) will be met with derision heretofore unexperienced by any living being in Earth's history not named Pauly Shore.

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