08 January 2008

Slight Relapse

The second week of Holiday Season was a bit too much activity for my fragile little brain to handle, apparently - as those of you who had the occasion to meet me just before or after New Year's may have noticed.

The most relaxing part of New Year's weekend for me was the New Year's Eve itself - the part where normal people jump around and act the ass (you may have noticed that I'm not normal). Sally and I spent the evening with Karen and Brian drinking many wines, watching much Twilight Zone, talking about everything and nothing and accidentally taking turns napping on their couches. Very good, indeed.

The rest of the time was wall-to-wall people. People I thoroughly enjoy spending time with - good people, fun people - just a whole lot of them all at the same time. I had a pretty severe Pudding moment on Saturday the 29th at Mom's and I think I'm still trying to recover. Of course, being a corporate accountant in late December and January doesn't exactly help move the needle on the old Rest-And-Relax-O-Meter, either.

My exercise program took it in the pants recently (as did my posting frequency), but I had my first regularly-scheduled PT session of 2008 today, and I'm going to try to get back up on that pony. I know he isn't, but it sure *feels* like he's bucking...

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