12 October 2007

Come On, Monday...

This new dosage would be a lot less bitchabouty if it gave me a two-minute warning before total brain shutdown. Last night on my way back from the Hoover store after a largely successful (but active) day at work, driving into particularly harsh sun-glare was enough of a trigger to shut my brain down. I had no idea where I was, when I should take a left turn or why I was driving to begin with. Fortunately, I hit a couple red lights so I could duct-tape a few brain cells together to manage the drive home.

After eating dinner I was OK until I received four phone calls in about half-an-hour while attempting to do the dishes. Around 8 o'clock or so, I found myself putting away a washed fork... still dripping wet... in the toaster oven.

The pain is still largely gone, and the confusion, rather than running at a constant low voltage, seems to save itself and dogpile me all at once. The visual fuzziness is still around at times (like right now). I think the D-stuff makes me more functional - especially in the 20mg dosage - but I'm definitely not truly better.

Monday afternoon is my appointment. Perhaps Team Wolverine will express some desire to fix my friggin' problem... or at least scientifically approach it. For what they get paid (I saw the insurance EOB - they charged $324 for the hour or less they saw me and got a little over half of that), I damned sure expect some type of effort.

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